Sustainability profile

The Sustainability Profile of a Location (Dutch acronym: DPL) is a computer instrument that gauges the sustainability of a neighbourhood on the basis of 25 aspects. The municipality, residents and project developers participate in a workshop to explore measures that chime with the specific nature of the area. This generates a list of promising improvements. These improvements are elaborated into a shortlist of the most appropriate and financially feasible measures for a neighbourhood.

The DPL instrument is based on the three elements of sustainability: Planet (the environment), People (social aspects), and Profit (the economy). These three elements have been subdivided into 11 themes and 25 aspects of sustainability. DPL involves an Excel spreadsheet into which data is entered for each aspect. The software automatically converts the input into easily interpretable report marks, ranging from 1 (the least sustainable) to 10 (the most sustainable).

Go to the Sustainability Profile of a Location website