Climate adaptation strategy for the municipality of Papendrecht

The municipality of Papendrecht has drawn up a Climate Adaptation Strategy. The strategy sets out the course and invites residents to collectively climate-proof the city.

Climate change presents a threat, yet it also opens up opportunities. Opportunities to enhance the living environment, to expand social contacts, and to form a more resilient community. The Climate Adaptation Strategy (pdf, 7.7 MB) of the municipality of Papendrecht provides tools for adapting the municipality to the changing climate and, at the same time, shows the opportunities for enhancing the city. Climate-proofing Papendrecht is not something the municipal authorities can accomplish on their own. To this end, they are joining forces with their residents and other stakeholders.

In 2016, climate adaptation projects have been carried out at several locations in the municipality, such as lowered green stretches and road foundations capable of storing water. A strategy was needed to structurally embed climate adaptation in the efforts expended by the municipality of Papendrecht and other stakeholders.

In the purview of drawing up an adaptation strategy, the municipality first mapped out the climate effects. Subsequently, a separate strategy was drawn up for each climate effect, based on five indicators.


A climate-adaptive approach calls for a different perspective on the living environment. In five ways, the strategy ensures that Papendrecht will embrace climate adaptation:

  • Information: telling people about climate change, for example, by preparing an information package on climate adaptation.
  • Visualisation: gaining insight into the vulnerabilities to climate change, for example, by way of a climate atlas.
  • Encouragement: encouraging people to embrace climate adaptation, for example, by way of a grant scheme.
  • Embedding: incorporating climate adaptation into municipal (policy) documents, for example, pertaining to the design of public space.
  • Requirement: rendering climate adaptation a mandatory element in certain documents, such as the municipal sewer plan.

The board is annually informed on the progress and results of the adaptation strategy. Such results may be visible (climate adaptive implementation projects) or invisible (awareness, information sharing).

The municipality plays an initiating role with respect to the strategy but does not bear sole responsibility for the future resilience of Papendrecht. The climate adaptation goals can only be achieved in collaboration with partners. Such collaboration involves collective efforts at both the administrative and official levels, which link up with existing (consultation) structures.

Lessons to be learned from the project

The project has generated insight into the organisations and departments that are needed to collectively climate-proof the municipality. Involving external organisations, which are relatively new to climate adaptation, calls for regular coordination and commitment. A particular point for attention is the capacity required to realise actions.

Contact person

Belinda van Gool
Gemeente Papendrecht
078 - 770 6271

Project type
Adaptation plan/strategy
Gemeente Papendrecht, provincie Zuid-Holland, Woonkracht10 & waterschap Rivierenland
Heat, Waterlogging